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How to Verify a Professional's License in Bridgeport?

The Connecticut State Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) issues over 30 categories of professional licenses to competent and eligible professionals in Bridgeport. Professionals licensed by the DCP include, but are not limited to, landscape surveyors, architects, home improvement contractors, home improvement salespersons, and interior designers that wish to work in Bridgeport. Obtaining a professional license makes a professional eligible to work in the city, and residents of Bridgeport must understand that unscrupulous individuals can also pose as legitimate and licensed professionals to defraud unsuspecting citizens. To reduce your chances of hiring the wrong individual, you must always ask the individual you intend to hire for proof of licensure and verify the information using the DCP's license lookup tool.

In addition to verifying a professional's license status, you should also ensure that the individual obtains all the necessary permits for the job. For example, all home improvement or construction work in Bridgeport requires a building permit. Residents of the city can obtain this type of permit from the Bridgeport Building Department, and you can contact this department to make building permit-related inquiries by calling (203) 576 - 7225 or (203) 576 - 7226.

Connecticut Contractor License Search:

Do Bridgeport Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

No, neighborhood associations and homeowners associations in Bridgeport do not issue permits for construction or home improvement work. Neighborhood associations and homeowners associations are typically created by individuals living or working in the same neighborhood to improve the quality of life in the area. These associations also work towards providing solutions to a variety of problems in their various neighborhoods, such as lack of adequate housing. For example, the Washington Park Neighborhood Association spearheaded the renovation and restoration of houses surrounding the park on Kossuth Street and Barnum Avenue to provide accommodation for middle-income families. In addition to providing solutions to the lack of adequate housing, most neighborhood associations and homeowners associations also encourage specific activities that improve public health in the neighborhood. For example, the Black Rock Homeowners Association is part of a coalition of interested parties involved in ensuring that the Black Rock Harbor clean water project is completed. This project is expected to improve water quality in Black Rock Harbor. You can get information on resources in your neighborhood, as well as the City Council District your neighborhood belongs, to via the city's neighborhoods page.

How Do You File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Bridgeport?

Consumer complaints in Bridgeport are handled by the Connecticut State Department of Consumer Protection (DCP). You can file a consumer complaint with the department online, or by downloading, printing, completing, and submitting a consumer complaint form in person at:

  • State of Connecticut
  • Department of Consumer Protection
  • 450 Columbus Boulevard
  • Suite 901
  • Hartford, CT 06103

While the DCP mediates most consumer complaints, it has limited authority to address complaints of customer service or quality of workmanship. If your complaint concerns any of the aforementioned issues, you can contact the DCP's consumer complaint center at (860) 713 - 6100 for more information on how to report the issue. To resolve a complaint, the DCP needs the cooperation of both the business and the complainant. However, there is always the possibility that the two parties will fail to reach an agreement. When this happens, the consumer can take further action through the court system. For example, claims involving a total of $5,000 or less as a small claims action. These types of claims can be filed at:

  • Fairfield Judicial District
  • Superior Court
  • 1, Lafayette Circle
  • Bridgeport, CT 06604

Lastly, consumer complaints that involve criminal activities can be reported to the Bridgeport Police Department by calling (203) 576 - 7671.